14 Reasons Why You Should Leave Work On Time

Admin 31-Oct-2014 17:03:29 Inothernews

14 Reasons Why You Should Leave Work On Time

It's almost eight in the evening. The office is buzzing with noise. The lights are on. PCs still running. The eighth batch of coffee is doing the rounds and the boss is in no mood to let you go. Isn't that the story of our lives? There is hardly any 9-5 culture in India and hard work has become synonymous with staying late in office. In the race to excel at work, we usually forget that we are more than what we do for a living. You shouldn't need a reason to wrap up your work and leave the office on time but just in case you do, here are 14:

5. You are much more than what you do for a living.


6. There are other things that you'd rather do; celebrate your salary for instance!

Why do you work so hard? To earn, right? What is the fun if you don't savour the result and just gulp it without feeling anything? Celebrate your salary; go out and splurge a little!


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