14 Sorts of Annoying People You might have On Your own Facebook Number.

Admin 14-Nov-2014 12:22:44 Inothernews

14 Sorts of Annoying People You might have On Your own Facebook Number.

All of Facebook is a stage and we are mere players where we live and play our respective roles in this enormity of social media and hence have respective attributes and characters, hence we bring you different kind of individuals that you find on Facebook.

3. The self-obsessing, selfie posting maniac who thinks Facebook is his/her personal diary and everyone comes there just to be graced with their online presence.


4. Pseudo-intellectuals who keep quoting famous authors they might not even have heard about.

“I am a bird in search of a cage” – Franz Kafka , and might change the poor Austrian writer’s nationality when confronted about it.


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