14 Tell-Tale Signs That You’re An Obsessed DSLR Owner

Admin 11-Aug-2014 15:37:49 Inothernews

14 Tell-Tale Signs That You’re An Obsessed DSLR Owner

A DSLR is not just a camera; it is a Digital Single-Lens Reflex Camera and you are in love with it. Let's admit it, you DSLR owners out there are like Gollum and the DSLR is your Ring. It has possessed you and you're clearly obsessed with it. You take it everywhere. It has become your 'Precious'. You’re convinced that the sun shines through your lens and gives you the warmth of love. Oh, yeah! There are certain things every DSLR owner can easily relate to.

You turn into a cold-blooded ninja assassin if anybody tries to harm your little baby.

"You don’t know how to use it. Don’t touch it!"


You take pictures from every possible angle. Laymen will not understand the perplexity of your actions.

"Because the saturation and the adjustment of the aperture…" Yes, the universe is dying to know.


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