14 Things You’ll Relate To If English Was Your Favourite Subject In School

Admin 21-Oct-2014 17:06:59 Inothernews

14 Things You’ll Relate To If English Was Your Favourite Subject In School

India is a country where you’ll find people speaking in a different language every 100 kilometers or so. But there’s one language you’ll find traces of everywhere. And that language is English. It is spoken everywhere, used everywhere and of course, taught in our schools. While most of us developed a decent command over the language, there were some of us who took to it with particular gusto. If you were one of those people, then you’re probably going to be nodding your heads and smiling throughout this article.

9. And you had a passion not only for the written word, but for the spoken as well.

Remember how many Elocution and Debates you participated in?


10. Even though you may have gotten in trouble for it, you took great joy in correcting your friends.

It’s not “your,” it’s “you’re.”


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