14 Ways In Which Travelling Changes You

Admin 31-Jul-2014 11:02:02 Inothernews

14 Ways In Which Travelling Changes You

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R Tolkien Truer words have never been spoken. Travelling shouldn’t be a chore. It shouldn’t be an escape. It shouldn’t be a rush to a destination. One must travel for travel’s sake. Because travelling changes who we are for the better. In more ways than one.

You become a lot more patient.

When a 24 hour train journey stretches for 52 hours, it’s not exactly a pleasant experience. But from that day forth, trivial things like queues at reservation counters and waiting for food at restaurants become irrelevant.


You become more adaptable.

Travelling teaches you to be flexible. When your bus breaks down in a village in India’s hinterland, you have no option but to ride on a bullock cart. You adapt and you carry on.


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