14 Ways In Which Travelling Changes You

Admin 31-Jul-2014 11:02:02 Inothernews

14 Ways In Which Travelling Changes You

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R Tolkien Truer words have never been spoken. Travelling shouldn’t be a chore. It shouldn’t be an escape. It shouldn’t be a rush to a destination. One must travel for travel’s sake. Because travelling changes who we are for the better. In more ways than one.

You learn to be thankful for what you have.

When you see that people not only live, but thrive in places as remote as the far reaches of Ladakh, you tend to stop making excuses for your own life. You stop complaining about little things and make do with what you have.


You come closer to nature.

Once you’ve spent a night in Kasol, lying on your back and looking at a moon so big that you could reach out and touch it, city life will never be the same again. Mother Nature has your soul now.


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