15 All around beneficial Spots To Visit Before Getting Hitched

Admin 20-Nov-2014 17:59:51 Inothernews

15 All around beneficial Spots To Visit Before Getting Hitched

Travelling is more than just a physical experience, it's a state of mind. To that end , there are several factors that enhance the experience of visiting a new place for the first time or revisiting an old spot where you made memories. Whether we like it or not, life after marriage gets a little more hectic: both of you have to consider the other person's interests and emotions. So, before getting hitched, take a trip to these lovely spots.

3. Malana, Himachal Pradesh

To say the trek up to Malana is tough is an understatement. While not as hard as the treks in Leh, it's always better to do these alone or with other climbing fans. Go here before you get married and sample some of the local goods.


4. Janjehli, Himachal Pradesh

Janjehli is a tiny, quaint little village in Mandi district. A stripped down part of the hills with just the bare necessities, you should go here to visit the various temples and offer prayers before you get married, especially if it's arranged. Better safe than sorry right?


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