15 Childish Things We Wish We Could Still Do

Admin 25-Aug-2014 17:54:48 Inothernews

15 Childish Things We Wish We Could Still Do

Stop being immature. Behave like a grown-up. This is something we tell ourselves a lot of times. As adults, we want everyone to take us seriously, and so we think twice before doing anything, so as to not look stupid to others. But the truth is that each of us is a child at heart. There are many simple, childish things that bring us immense joy. We don't know why, but it does. But we keep these childish instincts under the wraps, so as to not embarrass ourselves in front of others. After all, we are adults. Here are some of these silly little things that we all wish we could do, but are too embarrassed to do due to the fact that we are adults.

Lick lollipops

Those large, spiral lollipops tickle all hearts and make every mouth water. So, even though our mouth may be drooling like a water tap, we would still never be caught dead licking one.


Collect bubble-gum stickers and tattoos and use them too

Every adult has flaunted these in their childhood, but now no one would even talk of these. When did we ever grow up?


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