15 Existence Lessons We are able to Learn Via Kids.

Admin 14-Nov-2014 15:30:22 Inothernews

15 Existence Lessons We are able to Learn Via Kids.

When we were kids, we couldn't wait to grow up and become adults. But now that we look back, life was so much simpler back then. Sure we were crazy and had no clue of what was happening around. But come to think of it, wasn't that a blessing in disguise? They say kids are adults without responsibilities, but I disagree. They are more than just that – they're carefree, chirpy, curious, and a different level of awesomeness all together. There are so many lessons that one can learn from them. Here are 15 things we can learn from kids

3. Be yourself!

As kids, we didn't worry about what others thought of us. We were just our silly idiotic selves and everybody still loved us. I wonder when and why we started thinking too much about what others would like or not like about us. Let's just be ourselves. It always works!


4. Be creative.

As kids, we didn't always opt for the conventional path. We were up to all kinds of mischief and figured out various ways to get out of trouble too. Doing something differently always gave us a thrill and there is no reason why we shouldn't be like that as adults.


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