15 Types Of ‘Vellas’ We All Know

Admin 01-Nov-2014 11:14:32 Inothernews

15 Types Of ‘Vellas’ We All Know

We all are vella every now and then. Some of us have been vella for sometime now. And some of us are just always vella. Just as the duration of being a vella varies person to person, believe it or not, so does the kind of vella! Here's a list of 15 types of vella we all might have been or met at least once in our lifetime:

3. The Kaam-Khatam Vella

"Mera kaam khatam yaar.. Kya karrun ab main?"

They finish their kaam dhaam as soon as possible and then they are all vella.


4. The Social Vella

"This is awesome. Must like it."

You'll always find them online: liking, sharing and commenting on all the photos and posts.


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