16 Thoroughly tested Methods to Deal with The Quarter-Life Crisis.

Admin 27-Feb-2015 13:30:57 Inothernews

16 Thoroughly tested Methods to Deal with The Quarter-Life Crisis.

I am no philosopher or psychiatrist. I don't have a magic mantra to tackle a quarter-life crisis either. But what I do know is that I have been going through one, just like most people in their 20s. The symptoms are the same for all of us - life seems unfair, you feel stuck, you want to do so many things at once that you actually end up doing nothing and feel miserable about yourself. Ways to tackle a crisis could be different for all of us, but here are some tried and tested ways that worked for me:

3. Reflect on your actions

You have just been running around, working, thinking and doing things. It is time to sit back and reflect about where you are going wrong.


4. Talk it out with a mentor, parent or whoever you are comfortable talking to

There is nothing that cannot be sorted out by talking. Sometimes, a pep talk is all that is needed to cheer you up and show you the right direction.


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