20 Magic formula Skillsets Involving Celebrities That will Enlighten An individual.

Admin 19-Feb-2016 12:00:42 Inothernews

20 Magic formula Skillsets Involving Celebrities That will Enlighten An individual.

Celebrities are gifted people. Heck, that is the reason they became celebrities, didn’t they? But every once in a while, one of them let it slip that they are good at something else too. And that makes them so much more impressive because we do not usually picture them having a very personal life, since they spend so much of it in the public glare. Such surprises are always a welcome gale of fresh air. Harrison Ford, the star of Star Wars, is a certified rescue pilot. He can fly fixed-winged aircrafts and helicopters too. He has lent his expertise for the good of the people on several occasions when he flew rescue missions.

Patrick Dempsey, the star of Grey’s Anatomy, is a race car driver

He is an excellent juggler too.


Viggo Mortensen, the actor who played Aragorn in LOTR, is a good painter

He then compiles them all in a book-album and publishes them through his own publishing house.


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