22 Methods You possibly can Help The actual Earthquake Victims Inside Nepal.

Admin 28-Apr-2015 12:04:38 Inothernews

22 Methods You possibly can Help The actual Earthquake Victims Inside Nepal.

Saturday's calamity has left all of us shaken. With the death toll continuing to rise over three thousand and countless reported missing, the Nepal Earthquake is one of the worst disasters to hit the world in recent times. The international community has joined hands to help Nepal. You really want to do your bit but don't know how? Here is how you could contribute to the relief work :

You could volunteer to help through these portals by spending some time online :

4. Humanity Road - Aid Communication Among The Affected

Volunteers can help in the collection of information on their site and can assist in amplifying official messaging. They help in the dispensing critical emergency aid information to those in need, connecting official charity, aid organizations and nonprofits with those requiring assistance or aid.

You could also consider joining, The Standby Task Force. You will be well equipped to help people in the future and probably assist Nepal in rehabilitation work later.

Source : Care 


You could also assist by providing monetary assistance through these organisations :

Note - Remember to consult Charity Navigator to avoid Frauds.

1. The Govt of India Prime Minister's Relief Fund - Donate


Source : NBCNews


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