6 Signs Of People Who Have Loved So Hard They Never really Moved On

Admin 03-Apr-2016 14:25:51 Inothernews

6 Signs Of People Who Have Loved So Hard They Never really Moved On

There are two people who share their deepest secrets, promise each other everything and then, part ways as if it was just another deal. They can even spot each other at gatherings, public places, exchange cordial pleasantries, jive on and the later calmly tell their friends how they had a scene with them. They’re the people who have moved on – they don’t get lost in pensive wanderings of the mind during busy weekdays at work, they don’t feel the hollow vacuum trying inside the rib cage that’s trying to suck the meaning out of everything – their eyes still have the shine, their shirts ironed, shoes shining and hearts pumping with the excitement of being gratified again, over and over. They’re alright BUT, it’s not them we’re going to talk about. It’s the rest, just a handful, who feel everything mentioned above and can’t do much about it – let’s consider them. Because for some, it’s not all about the bigger better deal. It can’t be analogized to losing a job and landing a better package – no, for them it something far away from the materialistic approach. Nothing else compares to the dreams once shared, the familiarity, the time, the essence and it was never something replaceable. It was something they never owned but were promised it was theirs in a world where nothing lasts forever. A gullible heart, a sensitive soul couldn’t help but fall for the promise. Does it mean they’d never be promised again by someone else? No, of course not but it was not about filling the void with whatever comes their way. Every puzzle has a block that fits perfectly – you lose that block and you just have to play with that one hole in the picture.

Because for some, the risk-free love doesn’t make any sense.

Some people just can’t wrap their brains round the idea of making arrangements to fall in love. Call them old school or plain dramatic but they perceive it in its profundity – something deeper that embraces the hurt because real love wasn’t meant to be swiped left or right after ticking off the points. Impractical, emotional fools as they are, they never could really think that love is all about convenience.

To them, love is the most tenacious of adventures and to give up is to distort love for them. They want to endure the pain and so they shall, with or without you now because they can’t help but face the consequences of a risk that they didn’t know was supposed to be calculated.


Because some people can’t let go of the meaning life had once.

Heartbreaks, for the sensitive lot comes with some unfathomable, an existential crisis. With love, they experience life not just from the standpoint of their own individual identities but through a process of negation, a difference of two individuals. A random encounter with a person snowballs into a paradigm shift in philosophy, a feeling that appears to have universal value. When it all goes, they can’t get over the sense of an inherent futility that they now reckon as the essence of existence.

When, for a brief moment, life showed them some meaning, something more than earning money, affording a lifestyle, being popular, they ran towards it, like adolescents reacting to the first rush of adult hormones. Now, they will not go back to be deceived for they know what awaits in the end – they’re happy hovering over that brief shine of light they once had shinning on their forehead.


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