9 Decisions Of Your Life You Simply Cannot Let Anyone Else Take

Admin 26-Aug-2014 10:45:48 Inothernews

9 Decisions Of Your Life You Simply Cannot Let Anyone Else Take

How many of us can remember taking every decision in life based on our instinct, gut, conviction & wish? At every juncture in life, we’ve had people telling us what to do & what not to do. From selecting a stream as kids, the kind of college we go to, to the career we opt for, we’ve been constantly told what our decision will be rather than us deliberating on it. However there are some things that no one can decide for you. Some life-changing, some personal decisions that should only be made by you & no one else. Here are few life-decisions that only you should make, nobody should make them for you. Ever.


It’s great if you want children, it’s great if you don’t. It’s not just about making a family, it’s about maintaining one, which is why you need to think before you dive. And if you are perfectly happy being all by yourself but still wish to get a little bundle of joy, you might as well go ahead! You live only once, why live it for others?


Your place

Your space is your space. It’s terrible to be staying in there and wishing it were different. You see, it’s not always a good idea to follow popular opinion. DIY is the new cool.


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