Behind-The-Scenes Shots Of Hollywood Heroes & Villains Chilling Together of 15 Epic

Admin 07-Mar-2016 12:06:02 Inothernews

Behind-The-Scenes Shots Of Hollywood Heroes & Villains Chilling Together of 15 Epic

It's awesome to see a hero and his antagonist chilling out on their 'me time'. Whether it's Batman and Joker, or Dumbledore and Voldemort, off screen photographs always seem to put a new and different light on the characters we so dearly know. Now, this might ruin it for some of you, but chill. Check these guys chilling with their arch nemesiss: The original Joker pissing off Batman. Oh, Joker.

What is this now? Ben-Hur and Messala scooting around?


He looks mean even when he's being cute.


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