Did You Know You’ve Been Packing Your Bags Wrong Your Entire Life?

Admin 03-Jun-2015 17:34:04 Inothernews

Did You Know You’ve Been Packing Your Bags Wrong Your Entire Life?

Did you know that most people don't know how to pack properly? Packing efficiently for a trip actually has a science behind it and when the "scientific way" is followed, you can save on a lot of space and money (no extra baggage). So, bookmark this article because here are some handy tips on how to pack efficiently:

6. The best way to ensure that the shape of your delicates remains intact during your travels is by doing this.

Source: Cosmopolitan 


7. Are you carrying some cute studs and are afraid they will get lost in all the luggage?

Then use spare buttons to store these little babies.

Source: Cosmopolitan 


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