erks Of Having A Socializer Closest Companion

Admin 11-Sep-2014 17:42:32 Inothernews

erks Of Having A Socializer Closest Companion

Introverts and Extroverts are like yin and yang- their co-existence balances out the universe. For every introvert who is comfortable with spending time alone, there is an extrovert who thrives on being with other people; having good company. While one is reserved and shy, the other is the one who takes the spotlight. Having a friend who is outgoing is a wonderful learning process for a silent, low-key person, and vice versa. If you are an introvert with an extrovert best friend, you will relate to the following:

6.If you’re bored, all you have to do is call or text them


5.When you’re out with them, your shyness takes a back seat

Sometimes, they make you question yourself: ‘Am I actually an introvert?”


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