Fabulous experiments that could have Destroyed the World

Admin 25-Oct-2014 12:36:33 Inothernews

Fabulous experiments that could have Destroyed the World

Human curiosity and hunger for power has helped the humanity conquer many realms of previously unexplored territories but what if one major step taken in attempt to benefit the mankind might have gone wrong and led to the ultimate demise of mankind. Many such experiments have been held in the past, we bring you some.

3.Large Hadron Collider

If countless experts were to be believed the Large Hadron Collider was guaranteed to end the world. The justifications given were scientifically cogent, the 6 billion dollar particle accelerator was designed to recreate a mini Big Bang that would have helped the scientists in studying the formation of universe. But the ever present fear of the creation of a micro-black hole holding the potential to engulf the whole planet was there, but the experiment didn’t end with any dire consequences.


2.Starfish Prime

In an attempt to rupture Soviet satellites the United States of America detonated a thermonuclear bomb in 1962, about 250 miles above Johnson Island in the Pacific Ocean resulting in formation of an artificial radioactive belt which ruptured the satellites in the whole lower orbit and stayed intact for the next 5 years.


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