Here’s Why Doctors Need To Stop Torturing Rape Survivors With The Two-Finger Test

Admin 13-Oct-2014 15:10:10 Inothernews

Here’s Why Doctors Need To Stop Torturing Rape Survivors With The Two-Finger Test

14-year-old Preeti (name changed) from Delhi was raped by a 40-year-old man when she refused his advances. She was shattered and confused as to what had just happened to her. Totally clueless at first, she later mustered courage with the support of her parents and registered a complaint with the police. The poor girl thought it was all over and that the culprit would soon be behind the bars. Little did she know that the pain and suffering had just begun and that she would be made to go through that fateful night again and again and again.


A lot of countries take the DNA test to find evidence in case of rape. India can perhaps learn a lesson or two from the U.S.A. and the U.K. who use a set of Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) kit and only a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is allowed to collect DNA evidence from the victim's body.


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