Microsoft All-New HoloLens AR Glass Will Give You All The Feels Of A Futuristic Sci-Fi Movie

Admin 02-Apr-2016 11:24:25 Inothernews

While the world is raving over the Oculus Rift set, Microsoft have already begun shipping out their newest HoloLens Dev Kit to customers. The HoloLens is more than just the average virtual reality gadget, and definitely worth its price. The smart glass set is a step towards the future with the highest grade augmented reality experience; surrounding your world with holograms. Check out how kick-ass Microsoft's HoloLens is. The HoloLens focuses more on augmented reality than virtual reality. Like Oculus Rift, the HoloLens has a screens attached to the goggles too, but that's pretty much it for any similarities. While Oculus’ virtual reality (VR) is for storytelling experiences and gaming, the HoloLens offers a completely immersive experience for the user. Check out this promo video for the HoloLens:

The HoloLens has ore functions than you need.

The HoloLens would be the perfect device for design, gaming, virtual experiences and many many more things. The smart glass is compatible with all of Microsoft's latest generation platforms and can be used as far as the imagination takes it.


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