of sixteen Items that Occur After you Enroll in The Relative’s Wedding ceremony Immediately after Quite a while.

Admin 17-Dec-2014 12:17:18 Inothernews

of sixteen Items that Occur After you Enroll in The Relative’s Wedding ceremony Immediately after Quite a while.

Wedding season is here! Winter weddings are the best. The nippy air, happy, dressy people, and all the cheer. There’s nothing like it. Most of you are probably invited to at least a couple of them lately, and you’re most likely to go to a close relative’s wedding. Since it’s family, there’s going to be a few typical things that’ll happen in the process.

5. And thus starts the meeting and catching up with aunties and uncles and everyone else you don’t even know

The best part- when older relatives hand you money as a blessing. Cha-ching.


6. Meeting your cousins-especially the ones your age- is awesome

You know you’re going to have some wonderful company throughout the wedding. Some serious shit is going to go down.


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