Since Whatsapp Gives you a chance to Uproot Blue Ticks, Here Are 15 Clumsy Circumstances You Can Survive

Admin 20-Nov-2014 10:36:00 Inothernews

Since Whatsapp Gives you a chance to Uproot Blue Ticks, Here Are 15 Clumsy Circumstances You Can Survive

Yes, yes. You've heard right. WhatsApp's newest update allows you to disable those sneaky blue ticks that caused a rift in many a relationship. The ticks, ominously, turned blue when a message was opened, and pretty much took away the wonderful privilege of avoiding someone, discreetly. Here are some awkward situations that can now be avoided. Much love, WhatsApp.


First time we ate gol gappas? First time your dog barked? Birthday? You can now log onto Facebook and find out.



Mum, 'happy hours' is still on. Puh-lease.


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