The Hanuman Sena Hosted A Pork Festival And What Happened Next Shocked Them

Admin 02-Nov-2015 17:16:47 Inothernews

The Hanuman Sena Hosted A Pork Festival And What Happened Next Shocked Them

Although the beef ban in various regions of India has been in the news for a long time, it is only gaining more disrepute from actions of radical groups who lynch people based on suspicion of beef consumptions and calling the cops on a government building. While Kerala among other states has been hosting Beef parties in protest, radicals in fringe outfits and internet trolls supporting them come out with laughable arguments like, "would Muslims also be tolerant to a pork party like Hindus eating beef?"

Members of the outfit were left red faced and presumably frustrated, as they sat with plates full of pork, waiting for protests to erupt. Apart from the absence of any protest whatsoever, more embarrassment was caused because of most members not even eating the pork delicacies, which went to waste.

Perhaps if the Sena had done more research they would have known that, while sea food and beef are a part of Kerala's staple diet, pork has never been a regular on the menu. Hindus refrain from eating beef as they revere cows, while Muslims don't consume pork since it is considered impure in Islam.


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