They Were Asked To Give Up Their Dogs But Instead, They Did A Beautiful Pregnancy Shoot Together

Admin 2017-01-28 17:44:26 Inothernews

They Were Asked To Give Up Their Dogs But Instead, They Did A Beautiful Pregnancy Shoot Together

When Bengaluru-based couple Aditya Raheja and Sanjana Madappa were expecting their son Ayan, everyone – from doctors to family and friends – told them to get rid of their dogs. But Sanjana, who works at an animal welfare organisation, refused to do it. Instead, they went ahead and did the cutest pregnancy photo shoot with all their furry friends.

Take a look at the adorable shoot here.

In a Facebook post by Shravan Krishnan, the owner of Hotel for Dogs, Sanjana was quoted saying this,

“Being in animal welfare, one of the most common reasons i hear for giving up a pet is ' I'm pregnant'. When I have tried to counsel these families, i get it thrown back in my face that since I don't have children and haven't experienced a pregnancy, I don't get to have an opinion. So last year in April, my ever supportive husband and I decided to see what the fuss was about.
i had an unreasonably difficult pregnancy. For the first 6 months, i was glued to my toilet, even hospitalized because i was throwing up blood. The morning sickness really took a toll on me and I didnt think i would make it to the end of the pregnancy. (Sic)


8 months later, my son Ayan was born and I cant think of anything that could have prepared me as well for motherhood as my furry kids. I was told by family, friends and even my doctor to get rid of my dogs, that my baby came first. I was told the same things that all those people who have given up pets tell me. To all those people I can just say this. I couldn't ever in good conscience give away an animal that loves me and trusts me with the same innocence and purity that my baby does. I couldn't abandon a family member to bring in another. I will not betray a life that depends on me as much as my son does. To all those people I will always say, NOT WITHOUT MY DOGS.” (Sic)
This just made our day a little bit brighter.


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