What exactly These kinds of ‘Wise Men’ Should State Regarding Rape Is just What’s Drastically wrong With our Country Today.

Admin 07-Mar-2015 10:35:50 Inothernews

What exactly These kinds of ‘Wise Men’ Should State Regarding Rape Is just What’s Drastically wrong With our Country Today.

By now you've probably seen BBC's documentary on the horrifying rape case from Delhi, 2012. The documentary raises plenty of questions and tries to get inside the head of the perpetrators. The dialogue that ensued after the incident opened up a whole new can of worms. It showed the mindset of quite a few people about 'rape' as a crime, and how men perceived the status of women. Right from phrases like 'dented and painted women' to describe the protesters at India Gate, here's a compilation of the most disgusting remarks made by assholes about a matter as serious as rape:





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