J.K. Rowling Handwritten Quote For A Fan Battling Depression Proves She is Always There For Us

Admin 14-May-2016 11:06:34 Inothernews

J.K. Rowling Handwritten Quote For A Fan Battling Depression Proves She is Always There For Us

J.K. Rowling recently came to the rescue of a fan who sought the writer's help on Twitter with a heart-wrenching post about fighting her inner dementors. So when user @AlwaysJLover posted a personal account about her struggles against depression, Jo readily extended help with her words. And we know how her words can literally create magic in our lives. With a history of depression, Kate has had her own share of self-harm and bullying. In her note, she thanks Jo for inspiring her through her hardships and helping her start the healing process.

After that, she expresses her heartfelt gratitude to the writer and asks Jo for a handwritten 'Expecto Patronum' so that she can get it tattooed on her wrist - the area where Kate hurt herself the most.

It's important to note here that tattoo artists have more than been kind enough to ink their customers on their most self-harmed areas and have offered their services for a low or no price.

And Jo, being the amazing person that she is, granted Kate's wish and shared the famous quote in her handwriting.

Here's hoping that the beautiful cursive gives Kate strength. Always.


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