This Crocodile Scaled A 4-Ft Fence To Take A Dive Into A Lake Below And Its Pretty Amazing

Admin 07-Apr-2016 11:22:47 Inothernews

This Crocodile Scaled A 4-Ft Fence To Take A Dive Into A Lake Below And Its Pretty Amazing

In a dramatic incident, a crocodile climbed a four-foot fence to dive into a lake in the Boondi district of Rajasthan. And after scaling the barrier, the massive reptile took a four-meter plunge into the water below, to return to its habitat. The scene was captured on camera by Ram Kishan. The pictures show the crocodile move towards the metal fence...

Ram Kishan was stunned to see a 100-kg creature display such exceptional show of acrobatics. He said, "I arrived at the spot in late evening and there was this crocodile moving towards the lake."

"I clicked one photograph just like that but when I noticed that it was moving towards the lake, I stayed back to see what would happen. The light was very low so I could only capture a few images. I really missed my camera at that moment," Kishan added.

Villagers told Kishan that the reptile was moving on the land for the past three days, most likely to lay eggs.


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