10 Classy Experiences Everyone Must Have Before Turning Thirty

Admin 05-Feb-2016 12:39:37 Inothernews

10 Classy Experiences Everyone Must Have Before Turning Thirty

“There's money, and then there's class. The two are often separated.” -- Kate Jacobs You don't need to be one of the richest to be classy. All it takes is poise, composure, practice and some memorable experiences! You don't want to be somebody who is stuck in the world of ‘what-ifs’, right? So, it's time to stop wasting time and start making the most out of your twenties. Here are some classy experiences everyone should experience at least once before they turn the big three

Attend a fashion week.

A wise person once said, that being close to fashion makes you instantly more fashionable. Book the best seats in the house and acquaint yourself with the latest collections from your favorite designers. The perfect combinations of models, trends and designers are sure to make you feel uber classy.


Experience the marvels of an Italian opera.

An art lover, are you? Feed your passion by attending the biggest global union in Italy between November and December. Rest assured, you will love it.


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