10 Important Life Lessons You Learn In The First Year Of Employment.

Admin 14-Oct-2014 16:54:50 Inothernews

10 Important Life Lessons You Learn In The First Year Of Employment.

So you landed up with your dream job and thought this is it, but every once in a while something happens that makes you realize life as a professional is quite capable of sucking at times. These are some of those realizations that everybody faces at an early stage of employment. Give a read, and be assured you're not the only one.

5. Seeing yourself from your parents point of view isn't always the correct thing to do.

Your mom has always been emphasizing your 'talent'�and 'creativity'�in front of your relatives and you probably somewhere down the line started to believe all of that and see yourself from her eyes. But it's time to wake up. Your boss is not going to mommy you around with those compliments and motivations. In case you doubt, risk yourself a mistake and see what happens for yourself.


6. Money actually doesn't grow on trees.

Ah, those days when money used to mean just pizzas and beer and you dreamed of earning lots of money to be able to buy lots of these. But firstly, you are not earning as much money as you planned. And secondly, whatever you earn goes into your household expenses. Good news, you have matured. Bad news- You are no more a kid.


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