10 Signs You Are Addicted To Applying Kajal

Admin 09-Oct-2014 11:46:08 Inothernews

10 Signs You Are Addicted To Applying Kajal

We love to look our best and strut down the street like head turners. We believe that there’s no harm in looking flawless and Kajal plays the role of our best friend every single day. You know you’re addicted to Kajal when you see the following signs that draw you closer to the pencil every single time you slide it by your eye.

4. You’ve mastered the art of applying your Kajal on the go.

Your art of applying Kajal is so refined that you can now deck up those eyes in a moving car or bike, or even a giant wheel if you spot a hotty waiting for his turn. A minute saved = A hotty gained.


5. Your ultimate orgasmic moment would be to own every single color and brand of Kajal available in the market.

I felt the adrenaline rush as I wrote this line myself. Phew! Calming my nerves down, women, if you’re a Kajal addict too, you will know exactly what I’m talking about.


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