11 Signs It’s Time to Quit for the Day and Watch a Disney Movie

Admin 11-Sep-2015 12:20:49 Inothernews

11 Signs It’s Time to Quit for the Day and Watch a Disney Movie

Sometimes you have a day that can only be classified as “one of those,” and the only appropriate remedy is to become horizontal on your couch or floor and forget about your worries as you sing along to a Disney movie. Here are some signs that today is that day:

7. You’re just trying to live your life and you’ve been accosted by thuggish guards.

They’ve got to do their jobs, you’ve got to survive. Everyone should set aside their differences and watch a Disney movie.


7. The toys on your shelf came to life and began whispering, “It’s time to watch a Disney movie” to you.

If this has happened, it may be a sign that it’s time to watch a Disney movie.


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