12 Signs You Have A Real Hard Time Remembering Things

Admin 31-Jul-2014 17:00:19 Inothernews

12 Signs You Have A Real Hard Time Remembering Things

Elephants don’t forget a thing, they say! Unfortunately, we are only human beings! And we forget things ALL THE TIME! Some of us more than the others. It’s almost like God was creating us and decided that it would be really funny if we had occasional bouts of forgetfulness! Well, it’s not funny, God! If you have a weak memory, you’ll know what we’re talking about! Here are 12 signs that you have a hard time remembering things!

Promise to return someone’s call but it totally slips your mind and you remember it only a day or two later if you’re lucky!


Keep forgetting your ATM pin and has to refer to the ‘Notes’ app on your phone every time you have to withdraw money.


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