12 Things You Learn When You Get Your First Job

Admin 26-Aug-2014 10:58:16 Inothernews

12 Things You Learn When You Get Your First Job

Your first time is always special. Your first kiss, your first interview, and your first job. Well, this article is all about the things you learn and experience when you embark on that new, exciting (and slightly stressful) journey when you find gainful (hopefully) employment somewhere. This is what happens when you start working for the first time.

That amazing feeling when you get your first pay cheque...

When you hold your first cheque, you feel as if you own the world. It's a bitter-sweet moment. You don't have to think twice before spending this money but its just that.. For the first time in your life, it is YOUR money.


You get used to honest, often brutal feedback from people.

Sometimes, bosses can be harsh. Like, really harsh. It's tough to keep your composure when you're getting it from your boss, but hey, that's life!


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