13 Valuable Life Lessons Your First Relationship Teaches You

Admin 08-Oct-2014 11:37:23 Inothernews

13 Valuable Life Lessons Your First Relationship Teaches You

Nobody can ever forget their first relationship. No matter how pleasant or how unpleasant, no matter how serious or how casual, no matter how lasting or how short-lived, it will always hold a very significant place in our lives. In ways we may not understand, it has shaped us. There are songs about love and there are songs of heartbreak. The point is, being in love as well as being out of love for the first time, has lessons to teach that will see us through our entire lives:

5. Look for respect, trust, forgiveness and love will follow; not the other way round.


6. Don't take anyone for granted if you don't want to be taken for granted.


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