15 Preposterously Cool Items That You Wouldnt fret Using Your Cash On

Admin 25-Nov-2014 12:38:01 Inothernews

15 Preposterously Cool Items That You Wouldnt fret Using Your Cash On

What happens when geekiness and product design come together? Brilliance, that's what.

3. Levitating speakers

The OM/ONE is touted to be the world's first levitating speaker. It looks awesome, plays for 15 hours straight on a single charge, is portable, supports Bluetooth 4.0 and yes, has an 'Om' symbol on it because... you know, levitation and all that.


4. USB powered vacuum cleaner

We all eat in front of our laptops. There's no point feeling guilty about it. But thankfully, there are products like this USB powered 50's style mini-vacuum cleaner to suck up the crumbs and dust particles so that we can keep our portable devices spick-and-span.


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