15 Symptoms That your Young lady Company Is the foremost Point To happen To your account.

Admin 09-Dec-2014 12:53:35 Inothernews

15 Symptoms That your Young lady Company Is the foremost Point To happen To your account.

Apart from family and that special someone, every girl needs her girl gang to survive the ups and downs that life has to offer. They are our shopping partners and our agony aunts and make even the mundane, boring things fun. Needless to say, they hold a very important place in every girl's life.

7. They are always brutally honest with you.

While your boyfriend might say you look great in that tank top, your girlfriends will tell you that you should not wear it to the birthday party.


8. You can rant endlessly with them.

OMG. Look at him. He is so hot.
My day at work was so bla. My life sucks.
I had a fight with her. Why do people misjudge me?

You can go on and on, and they'll still be listening.


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