16 Food Items Of Your School Tiffin Box

Admin 07-Sep-2014 12:41:52 Inothernews

16 Food Items Of Your School Tiffin Box

Throughout school, lunch boxes have always been like our little treasure chests! We couldn't wait for recess to open it and find out what goodies were in store for the day. And not just our own, even those of others. Sometimes, the excitement of it even made us open our tiffins before recess.The thrill of eating tiffin on the sly, during classes was something else! Tiffin time also taught us a valuable life lesson: the joy of sharing. My point is, many happy memories of our school days will take us back to our tiffin boxes. And so will these yummy little delights:


Grilled, toasted or plain sandwiches were light and yummy with just about everything. Remember taking things from your friend's tiffin and stuffing them in your sandwich?


French Toast

We spend a bomb to grab an All-American French Toast at a fancy cafe once in a while. But the best ones were homemade Indian French Toasts that were packed into our colourful school lunchboxes, with tomato sauce in the little compartment on the side.


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