16 Reasons Why You Should Feel Blessed To Have A Sister

Admin 11-Aug-2014 16:51:10 Inothernews

16 Reasons Why You Should Feel Blessed To Have A Sister

"A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves- a special kind of double" – Toni Morrison She knows exactly what toppings you like on your pizza. For such endearing reasons, you thank God for making her a part of your life. But then again, she knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt you the most. And on those days, you wish you were the only child. Either way, there are many reasons why you should feel blessed to have a sister. So today on Raksha Bandhan, let's count our blessings.

She surprises you by picking up stuff for you every time she goes shopping.


No matter how many slices you've already had, she saves the last slice of pizza for you.


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