17 Inventions That Prove The World Is Unfair To Left-Handed People

Admin 05-Jun-2015 12:57:42 Inothernews

17 Inventions That Prove The World Is Unfair To Left-Handed People

In this right-eous world, we lefties can't help feeling left out. And with good reason. All the inventions in history have shown a bias towards us. I'm not complaining because I have learnt to work around things, but it's just that it amuses me to no extent. Here are 17 inventions that make me feel that the world hates lefties:

5. Desks

This is partiality of WTF proportions! How do you expect all the students in a class to be right-handed? If you're a leftie, you either have to sit on the edge of the chair side-saddle, facing to the right or would have to use two desks, one to sit on and the other to write on. If Einstein were alive and were to join college, he'd so not be impressed.

Note: Einstein was a leftie.

Source: galleryhip   


6. Spiral notebooks/binders

Another dampener targeted predominantly at the student community. These spiral notebooks are awesome, but the sad part is that most of us lefties end up with spiral impressions on our left hands. For the record, I can still manage to pull off some stunning calligraphy without complaining.


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