17 Weird Things Women of all ages Tend to be Forbidden By Performing Worldwide.

Admin 08-Dec-2014 16:29:09 Inothernews

17 Weird Things Women of all ages Tend to be Forbidden By Performing Worldwide.

Recently, we heard how thousands of female students were banned from entering the Maulana Azad LIbrary citing their ability-in the words of the Vice chancellor- to "attract a lot of young men". News of revolt by Saudi Arabian women for their rights to drive keep reaching us everyday. There are several other bans which are imposed on women in different sections of the society which we might find weird sitting in our armchairs. Some of them are archaic but have not been done away with because of the efforts on the part of the Congress that it would take in the US. As a result, women end up paying the price for it. On the other hand, some of them are new bans imposed by extremist governments or village panchayats. Let's take a look at some of them:

13. There's a ban on a woman ordering drinks after 10 p.m. in Andhra Pradesh

Girls can't even hang out in pubs, clubs after that curfew. Owners risk cancellation of license if they are found flouting this law.


15. Afghanistani women are prohibited from...

applying nail varnish, laughing loudly, wearing heels, gathering together on festive occasions, and many other things. The Taliban punishes each offense in a gruesome manner.


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