20 Things You Can At present Purchase In India For 1 Rupee

Admin 27-Nov-2014 11:30:38 Inothernews

20 Things You Can At present Purchase In India For 1 Rupee

Yes, there was a time in the 50s when you could get half a kilo of chicken for a rupee. Now, nobody cares about returning the change if it's a rupee or two. Has the 'one rupee' really become meaningless in today's India? Here are twenty things you can still buy for a rupee, and no, this is not an exhaustive list.

3. Two Single Postcards

You might think they're obsolete these days but some people in rural India still use them.


4. Matchbox

Whether you need to light a cigarette or use them after you've done your stinky deed in a loo, matchboxes are ever so handy.


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