30 Surreal Areas You Won’t Believe Basically Can be found In the world.

Admin 24-Feb-2016 13:12:13 Inothernews

30 Surreal Areas You Won’t Believe Basically Can be found In the world.

From windswept trees still standing tall to glowing caves, to a place that actually looks like the eye of Sauron, to pink (but not strawberry flavoured) lakes, nature and at times human interference, can be wicked and tricky with its wonders and accidents. We bring to you 30 unearthly, jaw-dropping and eye-popping places you can pin for your future adventure-list. Oh, you do not always have to be a traveler to see all unreal looking these places but eventually, as and when you get time, you can switch to your Lama legs and trek your way to an otherworldy experience. Fly Geyser, Nevada It was created accidentally when scientists were exploring sources for geothermal energy.

Emerald Ice, Lake Baikal, Russia

Covered in a blanket of stunning ice sculptures, this vast white landscape is a stunning creation of nature. The naturally formed ice blocks created due to the extreme weather conditions holds one-fifth of the world's fresh water.


Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

The Son Doong cave in Vietnam is one of the world's largest caves. It is so huge that it has its own river and jungle. Add a little more than a 200-meter-high, 150-meter-wide and 5-kilometer-long area to its name.

Include it in your bucket list if you haven't already.


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