7 Colors Of The Rainbow And How They Affect Us

Admin 05-Feb-2016 14:42:28 Inothernews

7 Colors Of The Rainbow And How They Affect Us

Just like each note of music or alphabets, there is something else that has a deep association with our emotions – the colors. A whole range of experiences and emotions can be related to colors and there’s more than just a vague, generic meaning to it when we say “I still got the blues” or “golden days of our lives”. Now, many of us might have associations to colors that are particular to us such as associating red to an old roof of a house at the street we grew up in or the brown boots that laid untouched in the attic for years. However, colors do have emotional connections beyond personal associations which are universal to all of us. Let’s find our more.

Green – The color of being alive

Have you ever walked into the woods, looked up to see the enchanting sun rays quietly making their way down through the dark green leaves of trees? The sight of a green avenue with sun shinning upon them, making them glitter as emerald, the crystal droplets of dew dripping through the sieve tubes of green leaves like Your love flows through my veins, the freshly drenched foliage in rain – they all remind us of life, of being, of existing in repose, in a pacific serenity.

The color appeals to our softer, more subtle sides. It is the color of harmony, creation of life, growth, prosperity and abundance. The color soothes us, keeps us off greed and hunger for power and authority for a while. We are drawn more to nature, it’s way of existing without seeking more than needed, at least for some time.


Violet – The color of ambiguity

Violet has the essence of both red and blue in it. We associate a strange mix of passionate energy and spiritual inclination with the violet, the two major aspects of red and blue. We associate the color with fantasy, surrealism and day dreams. We find violet in the hypnagogic hues of twilight or the alluring lilac trees against a green meadow.

It is the color that daydreamers associate with escapism, consciously or subconsciously. The color is often associated to mystery and even magic. Many psychics claim that people who are in the practice of occult have a violet aura. It is believed that people with violet aura are often found in professions like futurists, astro-physicist, performance artists, astronauts and photographers.


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