7 Differences In A Guy’s Life Before Marriage Vs. After Marriage.

Admin 27-Sep-2014 15:20:57 Inothernews

7 Differences In A Guy’s Life Before Marriage Vs. After Marriage.

Marriage is a strange institution men decide to get into without thinking about the aftermath. Why? Because men are foolish! They choose a girl, fall in love with her, marry her and before they know it, they are quietly and unknowingly domesticated as a pet dog. It doesn’t matter if he was/is at the top of the food chain financially or socially; when it comes to the wife, he is nothing more than a chicken. So here it is. The 7 differences in a guy’s life Before Marriage Vs. After Marriage.

After Marriage.

What a guy can do: Only what his wife lets him do.

When he can do: Only when she lets him do it.

Verdict: Bann gaya kutta dekho band gaya patta.


4. Control on finances Before Marriage

Balance in the account (salary day): 60,000/-

Balance in the account (month end): *Owes Rs.5000 to a friend.

Verdict: "Paisa kya hai? Haath ki mel."


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