9 Signs Which Show That You Are A True Connoisseur And Lover Of Books.

Admin 10-Oct-2014 11:16:06 Inothernews

9 Signs Which Show That You Are A True Connoisseur And Lover Of Books.

Books, they are heavenly! They are a portal to another world, another dimension, and one cannot have enough of it. Well, at least for us book nerds. The proudest moment for us is seeing our collection of books increasing. Here is a list of other things my fellow book nerds might understand.

3. A book sale means more to you than the yearly apparel sale in the malls.

Sadly, most books are expensive, even in a second hand book store which is why you�have�to wait for a sale.


4. Break? Read. Travelling? Read. Yes, you will be seen reading everywhere!

Whenever & wherever it is possible, we will read, especially if the book is very engrossing.


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