Here Why The Best Ideas Always Come To You While Taking A Shower

Admin 27-Mar-2016 15:34:30 Inothernews

Here Why The Best Ideas Always Come To You While Taking A Shower

How many times has it happened that you have been picking your brains to come up with an idea with no luck at all and suddenly, when you’re taking a shower, almost forgotten about the idea you were racking your brains about, the bulbs light up? A number of times, we come with life-changing epiphanies, ideas for novels, lines for poetry and melodies for compositions in the shower and it’s simply serendipity. Why is it that being naked under the shower, with the streams crashing against our skins, always brings out the best in us? Well, here’s the science behind it. When the dopamine kicks in A chemical compound called dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the body plays a crucial role when it comes to getting the creative juices flowing. The brain takes up the dopamine in certain areas and the event is triggered with activities such as exercising, driving back home and of course, taking a shower.

Relaxing the prefrontal cortex

The prefrontal cortex of the brain serves as the command center for behaviour, decision and goals. It is also responsible for switching on the DMN (Default Mode Network) of the brain that helps clear up the pathways of the head. With a shower, the cortex is loosened and the DMN is switched on, leading to newer creative connections which are dismissed at other times.


The white noise

Several studies indicate that white noise plays a good role in inducing creativity in the human brain. The hissing sound of the falling streams of water serve as the white noise which helps you relax. Subsequently, you’re de-stressed which leads to newer ideas.

However, consciously taking a shower with an objective to get creative may not be very productive. Now that you know how it works, it would be hard for you to not be conscious. All the best.


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