Here’s What You Should Do If Your Brakes Fail While Driving At High Speed

Admin 01-Feb-2016 17:40:34 Inothernews

Here’s What You Should Do If Your Brakes Fail While Driving At High Speed

It's a petrifying situation to be in when you're driving fast on a freeway or highway and suddenly realise that your car brakes have failed you. A situation like this is not only a direct threat to your life but also to the people in your vicinity. Fret not, there're ways to avoid a catastrophe in case this were to happen. First of all, do not panic. Sounds like rhetorical advice really, but the truth nonetheless. The first concern that needs to be on your mind is to have it present and calm enough to take care of the situation.


If there's enough room on the road to either side, sway right and left in a zig-zag.

Again, carefully enough, sway to the right and then the left in a zig-zag patter. This will help create a certain amount of friction to slow the car down, at a much slower pace though. Although, avoid doing this if you're going very fast, that might make you skid and lose control.



Use you're surroundings to slow down, and if need be, to pull over or crash.

An inclined road, gaurdrails, gravel or dirt could all be used to create enough friction to slow down your car. But, of course, as a last resort you might have to find a spot to crash into if you feel your speed is safe enough to do that. A line of bushes or hedges, or in the worst case the back of another car, can be used to crash to halt. Keep in mind, crashing to a stop should be the last resort if all else fails.


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