If Everyone Adopted These Simple SOCIAL NETWORKING Manners, THE WEB WILL BE A FAR BETTER Place

Admin 14-Oct-2016 17:50:15 Inothernews

If Everyone Adopted These Simple SOCIAL NETWORKING Manners, THE WEB WILL BE A FAR BETTER Place

It's everywhere, social media has now become the forum where even your job interviewers would follow you, trying to decipher if the information you give about yourself is correct or not. So, like it or not, all the online platforms you use to connect with your friends is also a place where your friends, friends of friends and the rest of the world sees you. It's a little celebrity platform of yours, where first impressions make a ton of difference. Here are a couple of dos and don'ts to make your life better online.

Stop sharing (literally) EVERYTHING!

It's a social platform, not your personal diary. You do not have to tell people about you checking into the toilet, or about the amount of money you spent on that party last night, or try to dazzle them with how glamorous and exciting your life is, nobody really cares. Kardashians do it because they are paid for it. You're not.

There can be a control over the new baby images too.

I personally love kids. Like, really love them. But for the love god, new to parenthood people need to know that the cute pictures of their baby, could scream 'SPAM!' to somebody else. Love your kids, but stop imposing that love on others. Go read the privacy pointer again.

Have fun. There's so much to learn here!

There are a gazillion things that you can know on a social media platform. Right from the places that offer job opportunities you are dying for, to things happening around the world - you can find everything! So have a little fun and learn.

If you did not know, then for these and the sins that you have forgotten, absolve yourself by not doing that shit anymore. You'll make the world a better place for a lot of people who are still kind enough to be friends with you.


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