If You've A Good Solution For Climate Change, You Could Win This $5 Million Prize

Admin 24-Nov-2016 11:41:57 Inothernews

If You've A Good Solution For Climate Change, You Could Win This $5 Million Prize

As the world grapples with potentially catastrophic global problems, including climate change, it needs to find solutions by overcoming short-term thinking, risk analysts say.


He points to continued government spending on fossil fuel subsidies, for instance, while many leaders resist efforts to put in place a carbon price and trading system that would drive richer countries to pay for their climate-changing emissions while giving poorer ones funds to develop cleanly.

Such a shift could help drive action against global warming. Instead, “we're sending the bill to our kids and grandkids, and I think that's deeply immoral”, said Andersson, who has worked on de-carbonising pension funds.

A U.N.-brokered deal to tackle climate change, agreed by more than 190 countries in Paris last year, aims to limit global temperature rise to "well below" 2 degrees Celsius, by getting countries to deliver voluntary emissions reductions and financial contributions that could be ratcheted up over time.

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